Mothers Matter Welcomes Lindenwold Moose Lodge and Chapter

The truckload of donations to Mothers Matter from the NJ State Moose Association in March was just the beginning for this charitable organization’s support of the LRAF and our Mothers Matter program.

On April 1st, Deputy Grand Regent and Women of the Moose NJ Community Service Chairman, Sharon Plasket, brought a group from the Lindenwold Moose Lodge and Chapter to Mothers Matter to “do whatever needs to be done” to help.

And help they did! Community service and helping others is at the heart and soul of the Moose organization’s mission and from 9:30 a.m. until nearly 5 p.m., Mothers Matter headquarters was in full work mode – sorting, moving cartons, pulling products for gift bags and assembling them. A productive and proud day at Mothers Matter!

Pictured are Sharon Plasket (left) and Kelly Powell (right)

By | 2017-12-07T03:24:11+00:00 4/1/17|