On June 30, 2023, the Lauren Rose Albert Foundation Mothers Matter program must vacate its headquarters in Washington Township. If we do not have a new location this wonderful program will end after 23 years of brightening women’s lives.
We are reaching out to everyone we can to ask for help finding a new home.
As a non-profit organization with a very modest budget, we are seeking either an in-kind donation of space or a discounted rental rate for an initial lease of one year in Washington Township or a neighboring town. We estimate that we require at least 2,000 square feet on the first floor, easy access, parking, and restroom facilities. The facility will be used to store women’s health and beauty care products donated by schools and businesses and as a central location for volunteers from Gloucester, Burlington, and Camden Counties that help assemble and distribute the gift baskets.
If you know of a space that could accommodate us or if you would like to help us search for a new location, please contact us.
It is our hope that we can continue this heartwarming program
Mothers Matter is a beautiful journey that has touched the lives of thousands of women of all ages and from all walks of life for whom every day is a challenge.
Mothers Matter, the signature program of the Lauren Rose Albert Foundation, was born in 2001 as a modest project to provide personal care and toiletry products to needy mothers and to do so with dignity and caring by arranging the products in beautiful, color-coordinated gift baskets and gift bags.
The Lauren Rose Albert Foundation Mothers Matter program now provides over 4,000 distinctive gift bags every year to women living in shelters and nursing homes, women fighting cancer, women with sick children and women struggling to make ends meet. Each gift is handmade with the utmost care with carefully selected products that reflect each recipients’ special needs
Mothers Matter Touching Lives – Making a Real Difference
For most recipients, a Mothers Matter gift is more than just a bag filled with toiletry and personal care products. Mothers Matter gift bags enrich women’s lives and provide encouragement, hope, and quality-of-life necessities for women facing difficult challenges.
This sampling of heartwarming messages from Mothers Matter gift bag recipients tells our story better than we can. We hope you will read each one.
Here’s what the Mother’s Day gift from Mothers Matter meant to a single mom of four children under the age of six who combines a job and nursing courses.
“I have been struggling with motivation. You sent a meaningful message with your gift, and it could not have come at a better time. Please know what your efforts have empowered me as a woman and as a mom.”
Or this heartfelt note of appreciation from a mom whose six-year daughter was battling her second go-around with leukemia at CHOP and was able to surprise her with a Mother’s Day gift basket
“Not only was the basket special for me to receive, but it was also special for my daughter to be able to surprise me with something she knew I would love. Thank you for your efforts towards mothers dealing with things beyond their control.”
This message from a mother in need touched our hearts.
“I would like to tell you how you blessed my heart.
I am a 44 year -old single Mom with three boys. I am on disability and slugging my way through school. After a meeting at People in Transition I was given your Mothers Matter gift bag. I was humbled at first, and after the meeting, when to my car and opened the bag.
I cried!
I needed soap – and there was a bar of soap. I don’t buy myself luxury items, only essentials. I kept taking beautiful things out of the bag – perfume, make-up, fingernail polish, bath salts and lotion.
I put the perfume on, and it made me cry again. I felt like God was looking down on me and saying- you deserve to be pretty.
All those items made me feel special. My heart and soul were blessed!
There was a little comb in there and my four-year-old son uses it!
Every time I use the make-up and perfume I think of your bag. I keep it to remind me – Yes, it is hard but when there are people like you in this world it makes the road a little more bearable. Thank You!”
For this 44-year-old disabled, single mother with three boys, all the beautiful things in her gift made her feel special…” like God was looking down on me and saying yes, it is hard but when there are people like (Mothers Matter) in this world, it makes the road a little more bearable.”
A thank you from a new mom with a premature baby in Cooper NICU
“The nurse delivered a care package to me while I was in the hospital from your organization. I just wanted to thank you and all your supporters for such a caring gesture. Thank you for helping countless mothers through difficult times.”
A note about our special gift bags for women in nursing homes.
“In May, your Foundation paid a visit to my mother’s long-term facility. So many women received gifts from you that day. My Mom included. It was the cutest gift bag…LOADED with amazing products. I spent an hour going thru the bag with my mom, looking at all the awesome stuff. I used the lotion on her arms and legs. We stored all the great stuff into her drawers for later use. We even did a seek-a-word page together. Some days are better than others…but that day, your Foundation made my Mom’s Mother’s Day extra special. Please know your efforts do not go unnoticed. I will forever be grateful the day your gift brought a smile to my mom’s face. Thank you for all that you do.”
Thank you from a woman undergoing her second breast cancer surgery.
“Thank you so much for your lovely package of beauty items and good wishes I received after my second breast cancer surgery last week. Your kindness has truly brightened this challenging journey.
Pampering myself isn’t something I have done much when I was fully healthy, but thanks to your gifts, I’ll be finding new ways to do so, and I’ll think of your thoughtfulness and the enduring sunshine of Lauren’s memory each time I do. I also noticed several aloe items that should ease the radiation and any other treatment still in my near future.
My daughter turned 13 last month, and she is, by her choice, deeply involved in this situation. She has taken on the active role of keeping my spirits up. As a woman and as a mother, I am grateful and humbled and touched that you’d reach out to help lift me up as well.
Please know that your work indeed matters and has made a real difference to me.”