Lauren Rose Albert Foundation’s Mothers Matter 5K walk run planned for Sunday

Michelle Caffrey / Washington Township Times

on October 27, 2012 at 6:00 AM, updated October 27, 2012 at 6:11 AM


In a plain white building with a green roof, tucked away on McClure Drive in Washington Township, volunteers are bustling from room to room, getting ready.

It’s the home of the Lauren Rose Albert Foundation and it’s “Mothers Matter” program. The rooms are full of shelves upon shelves of shampoos, body lotions, perfumes, nail polishes and more. They’re color coded — one room houses the pink and purple products, green in another and so on — and are on their way to being a part of one of the tens of thousands of gift bags the Mothers Matters program has distributed to mothers in crisis or need throughout South Jersey. They go to mothers at Ronald McDonald houses, cancer units, local day care centers, veterans, nursing homes, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and others.

The volunteers are busy prepping for their second annual Mothers Matter 5k run and walk on Sunday, Oct. 28 at Washington Lake Park. They’re mapping routes and getting gift bags ready. Starting at 9 a.m., the walk is a crucial fundraising event for the foundation and their program.

It’s one that has delivered more than 20,000 bags to date — with Mother’s Day being their biggest donation day of the year — and aims to make their lives just a bit easier with some personal touches, small luxuries they may never splurge on for themselves.

Read the remainder of the article here

By | 2017-12-07T03:25:24+00:00 10/27/12|